Superwall wall

The Superwall It is an element for walls and divisions. Panel metal sandwich, comprises two steel sheets painted, with a core of expanded polyurethane foam as thermal insulation.
- Characteristics
- Applications
- downloads
- System male / female, concealed fixing.
- thicknesses: 11/2 and / 26.
- Cash width 1.00m.
- Minimum length 2.00m.
- By typology it can be installed both horizontally and vertically.
- This panel can be manufactured with foam class 1 (THE BRIDGE), which it has certification reaction to fire granted by FM (Factory Mutual), allowing to reduce insurance premiums. Consult your technical advisor.
- Ease of installation and speed of installation.
- Compatible with different finishing systems
- concealed fixing.
- For its modular expandability allows easily.
the complete system including panel is sold, auction and fixing accessories.
It can be used in:
- Industrial ships
- Bodegas
- Malls
- Cinemas and theaters
- warehouses
- agencies
- airports
- hospitals
- classes